We understand that sometimes there are difficult situations that arise, but please before deciding to rehome your beloved cat, read through the articles below for help with financial assistance, cat behavior issues and domestic issues. Many problems can be solved with a little help and you can avoid having to rehome your cat altogether.
Vet bills:
CareCredit offers payment options to qualified clients.
Vetco and Low cost vaccination
Pet Insurance:
Pet Pantry of NWLA provides free pet food to low income families of Northwest Louisiana.
Litter box issues:
Check for medical problems.
If your cat isn’t using the litterbox, straining or only producing a small amount of urine seek veterinary attention right away. Urinary tract blockage is common in male cats and is fatal if not treated.
Location, location, location. Are the litterboxes easily accessible? Could one cat bully another, or prevent other cats from getting to the box by “guarding” it? Make it as easy as possible to access litterboxes in your home.
Switch litter. Some cats don't like certain kinds of litter.
Uncover the litterbox. Though covered litterboxes may look nicer, some cats don’t like them. Especially if you have a covered box with a plastic flap the cat must go through.
Scoop daily. Keep the litterboxes as clean as possible.
Stress or change. Did you recently move to a new home, have a baby, get a new pet or change your daily routine? Has your cat been sick, or did you take him/her to the vet? All of these things can cause stress in a pet, and sometimes we forget how sensitive they are to changes in routine.
Declawed cats & litterbox problems.
Some declawed cats develop litterbox problems due to pain or discomfort. You may have to use shredded newspaper which is easier on the paws. Be patient as it may take longer for a declawed cat to adjust.
Scratching problems:
Scratching posts. You need to give your cats a designated spot to scratch so they won't ruin your furniture!
Clipping nails. Trimming your cat’s claws won’t prevent scratching, but it will reduce damage to your furniture. Be careful when trimming their nails not to cut the quick.
Nail covers. Soft Paws can be glued over your cat's claws to prevent them from tearing up furniture.
Do not scold your cat. Clap your hands or shake an empty soda can full of coins to stop them from scratching items that are off limits. Pick up your cat, place them in front of the scratching post and praise them when they use it. Try placing the scratching posts in front of the object they are scratching, or cover the object with double-sided tape or foil to discourage them. ​
Pet Friendly Apartments
Pet Friendly Houses
Vacuum and clean floors, walls, ceilings, and furniture on a weekly basis.
Place an air purifier in your home.
Enlist the help of non-allergy suffering family members to clean the litterbox and pick up after the cat.
Frequently wash clothing and bedding materials, including the cat’s bed.
Frequently bath and groom your cat.
Consider removing dander attracting materials such as upholstered furniture and draperies; replace wall-to-wall carpeting with wood, tile, linoleum, or vinyl flooring that won’t harbor hair and allergen causing molecules.
You can also try Immunotherapy (allergy shots) or oral allergy medication.
Having a baby:
If simple precautions are taken, there is no need to consider rehoming purely due to the arrival of a baby. Having a cat or dog in the family can be beneficial to the child's development, allowing them to form an early bond with an animal, learning to respect and care for them, and quite possibly laying the foundations of a lifelong love for animals. Clinical studies have shown that living with pets during the first year of life can build up a child's antibodies leading to a reduced risk of asthma and allergies. Take precautions such as: closing the nursery door when baby is on her own, keep litter trays out of reach of babies at the crawling and toddling stage, keep baby food and pet food separate, clean litter trays regularly and always wash your hands.
When Baby Is Born
As much as possible, have someone bring home items that smell like the baby before mother and child even get home. Pets will have a chance to get used to the baby's scent. When the new mother comes home, have someone else take the baby to another room so that pets can have a reunion with mom with everyone feeling relaxed.
When the time comes to introduce pets to the new family member, make it a calm, pleasant experience for everyone. Don't force pets to approach the baby if they're not ready, and reward them for all calm behavior around the infant. If your pets are very excited, you can put them on leash and help them to sit, stay, and be rewarded. If they're too excited, they can always take a break in another room to calm down, then try again with plenty of rewards for calm behavior.
As you spend time with your new child, involve your pets whenever you can. The time you spent on training before your baby arrived should mean that you can have your pet calmly next to you while you feed or bathe the baby, for example. If you've taught your dog to walk nicely next to a stroller, you'll be able to take family walks.
When you feed your baby, give your dog a food-stuffed chew toy filled with something really delicious like natural peanut butter or bits of meat or cheese. This creates a positive association with the baby as well as giving the dog something to do while you're otherwise occupied.
Make sure, though, that your pets continue to get the exercise and attention they need -- any pet's behavior will deteriorate without it!
Even if your pets seem to be welcoming to the baby, NEVER LEAVE YOUR BABY AND PETS TOGETHER UNSUPERVISED, not even for a few seconds. Even calm, placid animals can behave unpredictably around the strange sounds and sudden noises of babies and toddlers.
Give yourself enough time to find the right pet-friendly rental (see lists below)
Show that you are a responsible pet owner: provide a letter of reference from your current landlord or a letter from your veterinarian
Get it in writing that your landlord agreed to allow you to keep a pet in your new apartment
Do not try to sneak your pet into your new apartment; this could result in breaking your rental agreement and losing the apartment or being forced to give up your pet(s)